Call For Applications: Fellowship Programme for Government Officials of Balkan Countries 2015/2016

Fellowship Programme for Government Officials 2015/2016 is looking for the decision-makers of tomorrow who want to shape regional and European collaboration using their energy and enthusiasm.

The European Fund for the Balkans (EFB) is seeking government officials from the Western Balkans to spend a three-month fellowship in EU government institutions in Austria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden. Fellowship Programme for Government Officials is EFB’s flagship intervention focused on EU integration-driven reforms of the Western Balkans’ administrations by educating and motivating public officials to practice and advocate European principles of public administration.

The full Guidelines for Applicants are available at this page.

To start your online application, visit application page.

The European Fund for the Balkans (EFB) is an initiative launched in 2007 by private European foundations. The EFB aims at strengthening democracy, fostering European integration and affirming the role of the Western Balkans in addressing Europe’s emerging challenges.

The Fellowship Programme for Government Officials is a one-year practice-oriented educational programme for government officials. The purpose of the programme is to give impetus to the EU integration-driven reforms of the Western Balkans’ administrations, through building the capacities of individuals who are acting as the agents of change. The programme targets ambitious young government officials with a strong commitment to contributing to the development of their societies who are lifelong learners, acquiring skills and broadening their horizons throughout their careers.


The deadline for submission of applications is December 15th 2015.



The Transformational Leadership Program – Scholarships and Partnerships invites prospective candidates to apply for U.S-based Professional Certificate Programs.

The Transformational Leadership Program – Scholarships and Partnerships (TLP-SP) is implemented in partnership with World Learning, United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology. The purpose of the program is to develop a cadre of leaders to drive significant change in Kosovo in priority economic, political, and social development areas.

Professional certificate scholarships will be supported in Rule of Law; Public Administration; Agriculture; Management; Finance/Accounting; Education; Engineering / Information Technology and Gender and Interdisciplinary Studies. Certificate programs are short-term, US-based educational programs designed to provide working professionals with advanced skills in a specialized area of interest. Unlike Master’s degree programs that offer broad curricula, certificate programs are narrower in focus and address a specific topic or area of professional specialization.

All certificate programs are conducted in English and are offered by universities or other higher education institutions. Certificate programs vary in length from several weeks to an entire semester of full-time study. TLP-SP will cover all costs associated with the professional certificate program in the U.S. for qualified applicants.

TLP-SP invites all interested candidates to apply through this open call for applications

Applications will be reviewed and participants selected in a transparent manner based on objective criteria.

Eligibility criteria:
– Kosovo residency and citizenship;
– Holder of a Bachelor’s degree
– 7.5 cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA), or 2.5 (US scale)
– Demonstrated professional aptitude and leadership potential in the selected field of specialization;
– Ability to begin the certificate program in the United States in the summer or fall of 2016.
– English skills sufficient to pursue Professional Certificate Program in the US.
– In addition, semi-finalists will be invited for an interview and must fulfill the following requirements prior to being placed:

– TOEFL score meeting minimal requirements;
– Possession of a passport from Kosovo;
– Ability to receive and maintain a U.S. J-1 exchange visitor visa;
– Commitment to return to Kosovo after the completion of the program.
– USAID and United States Government employees and their immediate family members[1] are not eligible to participate in the TLP-SP. Employees and immediate family members of USAID contractors, sub-contractors, grantees, and sub-grantees are not eligible for Participant Training programs if the contract, sub-contract, grant, or sub-grant was competitively awarded.

This program will not facilitate or authorize funding for travel for children or spouses of participants

Special emphasis will be placed on supporting promising Kosovars from underserved and disadvantaged populations with limited resources such as women, minorities, LGBT persons, those from rural areas, and people with disabilities. TLP-SP strongly encourages the members of these groups to apply.

The Application Form may be downloaded at Interested applicants who meet the eligibility requirements should submit the Application Form and documents listed below by email to [email protected].*

– Copy of a Kosovo passport or ID;
– Copy of all university diplomas received (Bachelor’s and Master’s) (with English translation);
– Copy of official transcripts and GPA scores (with English translation);
– Copy of a CV/resume (in English);
– Three written references: two academic and one professional (in English).
* Submit your two essays both as part of a PDF file with all other parts of the application and separately in a Word document. All other documents must be submitted in PDF format.

Application deadline: 6 November, 2015

Applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered.

For more information on the TLP-SP and this call for applications please visit:

The Transformational Leadership Program – Scholarships and Partnerships provides equal opportunity and fair and equitable treatment to all people without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, political affiliation, marital status, or sexual orientation.

[1] Immediate family members are spouse and children.

Shkolla Verore “Bashkëbisedimi Ndërkulturor në Epokën Dixhitale” 26-31 Korrik 2015, Tiranë

Cfarë është “Bashkëbisedimi Ndërkulturor”?
“Bashkëbisedimi ndërkulturor është një shkëmbim i hapur dhe në respekt të pikëpamjeve të ndara midis individëve dhe grupeve që u përkasin kulturave të ndryshme i cili çon në një mirëkuptim më të thellë të perceptimit global të të tjerëve” (Këshilli i Evropës, 2014)

Përshkrimi i Aktivitetit
Shkolla Verore “Bashkëbisedimi Ndërkulturor në Epokën Dixhitale” është një nisëm e Ministrisë së Mirëqenies Sociale dhe Rinisë dhe Ministrisë për Sportin dhe Rininë të Serbisë e mbështetur gjithashtu nga Prezenca e OSBE-së në Shqipëri. Kjo shkollë verore do të mbledh 17 të rinj shqiptar dhe 17 të rinj serb. Ajo do të zhvillohet në periudhen 26-31 Korrik 2015. Temat kryesore që do të diskutohen në Shkollen Verore do te jenë rreth bashkëbisedimit ndërkulturor dhe sfidave që perballet rinia në ditët e sotme. Kjo shkollë do të jetë një ndërthurje midis aktiviteteve interaktive mbi bashkëbisedimin ndërkulturor, vizitave në vende kyçë të historisë shqiptare dhe vizitave studimore në institucione relevante si Ministria e Kulturës, Ministria e Mirëqënies Sociale dhe Rinisë dhe Kryeministria.

Organizimi i Shkollës Verore
Shkolla Verore “Bashkëbisedimi Ndërkulturor në Epokën Dixhitale” do të diskutoj me të rinjtë tema të ndryshme si sfidat që rinia përballet sot, angazhimin e të rinjve në jeten politike dhe sociale, demokracia, zhvillimin e bashkëbisedimit ndërkulturor, dhe çështjet si stereotipet apo paragjykimet. Pjesëmarrësit do të kenë mundësinë vizitojnë Zyren e Kryeministrit dhe të takojnë zyrtarë të lartë shtetëror nga Ministria e Mirëqënies Sociale dhe Rinisë, Ministria e Kulturës, dhe Kryeministria. Pjesëmarrësit gjithashtu do të njihen me disa vende simbolike të historisë shqiptare, si për shembull Bunkart-in dhe Shtëpinë e Gjetheve në Tiranë.

Shkolla Verore do ti krijoje mundësinë të rinjve të shkëmbejnë eksperienca dhe ide në promovimin e angazhimit të rinisë në jetë politike dhe sociale të shteteve të tyre. Kjo shkollë do të zhvillojë aftësitë për bashkëbisedim ndërkulturor të pjesëmarrësve dhe do të mundësojë shkëmbimin e eksperiencave dhe ideve ndërmjet të rinjve shqiptar dhe serb.

Qëllimi i Shkollës Verore
– Krijimi i urave bashkëpunuese midis të rinjve shqiptar dhe serb
– Promovimin e aktiviteteve shkëmbyese midis të rinjve
– Lehtësimin e nismave për projekte bashkëpunuese rinore ndermjet dy shteteve
– Shkëmbimin e ideve dhe eksperiencave ndërmjet të rinjve shiptar dhe serb
– Zhvillimin e aftësive të bashkëbisedimit ndërkulturor të pjesëmarrësve

Pjesëmarrësit duhet të përmbushin kriteret e mëposhtme:
– Të jenë nga mosha 18-26 vjeç;
– Të jenë aktivist ose të interesuar në çështjet rinore;
– Të zotërojnë gjuhën angleze në një nivel mbi mesatar;
– Të kenë interes për temat që lidhen me bashkëpunimin ndërkulturor.

Çfarë ofron Shkolla Verore?
– Njohjen me traditat dhe kulturën shqiptare e serbe
– Vizita në institucione shtetërore si Kryeministria, Ministria e – Kulturës dhe Ministria e Mirëqënies Sociale dhe Rinisë
– Njohjen me disa vende simbolike të historisë shqiptare si Bunkart dhe Shtepia e Gjetheve
– Mundësinë për të zgjeruar rrjetin tuaj të kontaktit
– Shkëmbimin e ideve dhe eksperiencave me të rinj të tjerë
– Njohjen me politikat rinore në shqipëri dhe serbi

*Për të hapur aplikimin ju duhet të zotëroni një adresë e-mail gmail.

Link-u i aplikimit:  KLIKO KETU

Apliko TANI! Afati i fundit për aplikim është data 17 Korrik

OSCE SUMMER DIALOGUE ACADEMY 2015 for Young Women 25 July to 08 August 2015 (Podgorica, Prishtina, Belgrade)

Organized by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)

The OSCE invites you to apply for the first Summer Dialogue Academy, which will take
place in Podgorica (25th July to 1st August), Prishtinë/Priština (1st to 5th August), and Belgrade (5th to 8th August).

About the OSCE Summer Dialogue Academy
Since 2012, the OSCE has supported the “Budva Process”, which brings together prominent women in the fields of politics, media, academia, and civil society from Prishtinë/Priština and Belgrade. The goal is to advance contact and discussion, enhance relationships and to identify potential actions that both groups can jointly undertake to empower women in their respective communities. One such action was agreed in October 2014 – to establish a Summer Dialogue Academy for 30 young women from both societies. Notably, during the 5th meeting in Prishtinë/Priština, the “Budva Process” was renamed as the “Follow Us” initiative, which is also the title of a documentary, featuring the prominent women from both societies.

The purpose of the Summer Dialogue Academy is to empower women by educating them on issues relating to women’s role in promoting dialogue, reconciliation and co-operation. Through this project the OSCE will take participants from Prishtinë/Priština and Belgrade to lectures and field visits in Podgorica followed by lectures and field visits in Prishtinë/Priština, and finally in Belgrade.

Your qualifications
We invite applications from female undergraduate and graduate students in the field of social sciences, as well as young professionals in the fields of media, politics, and the civil society sector aged between 18 and 25, from the areas covered by the OSCE Mission in Kosovo and the OSCE Mission to Serbia. Excellent English language skills are required, since lectures, discussions and role plays will be held in English. You should also be in good physical condition, especially for the team building exercises which will include outdoor activities.

All expenses related to participation in the Summer Dialogue Academy will be covered by the OSCE, including:

– Joint bus or minivan travel from Belgrade and Prishtinë/Priština to Podgorica, from Podgorica to Prishtinë/Priština, and then to Belgrade. For participants from Prishtinë/Priština return travel from Belgrade will be included.
– Accommodation (double occupancy) in all three locations.
– Course module costs.
– Meals and refreshments.
– Cultural visits.
– Structure and Topics
– You will have the opportunity – through interactive learning modules, teambuilding, mentoring, learning-by-doing, and role playing – to expand your knowledge on issues on women empowerment.

The themes are:
1. Dialogue and reconciliation – Expert to be confirmed.
2. Women in politics – Sonja Lokar, Executive Director, CEE Network for Gender Issues, Ljubljana Office, and Gordana Čomić, Deputy Speaker of Serbian Parliament, Democratic Party (DS).
3. Gender Equality – Expert to be confirmed.
4. Production of a documentary clip on the Summer Dialogue Academy – Director, OSCE Regional Centre Gjilan/Gnjilane, and the production company Pulse TV.
5. Professional team building exercises – Adventure Montenegro.
Additional guests will come from academia, politics, and media in the region. In all three locations, you will have the opportunity to engage in joint cultural and professional visits (institutions, meetings with relevant political figures, etc.).

If you would like to apply for the 2015 Summer Dialogue Academy, please send the following documents in English to:

1. An essay of 1,500-2,000 words on the topic “The role of women in advancing dialogue, reconciliation and co-operation in South Eastern Europe”.

The essay should address the following questions:  

– What has been the role of women in promoting
dialogue, reconciliation and co-operation in South Eastern Europe?                                                                   – What are some of the success stories relating to women and in advancing dialogue reconciliation and cooperation?
What further role can women play in promoting dialogue reconciliation and co-operation?

2. Comprehensive CV, including at least two referees (university professors and/or professional references), as well as your mobile phone number and email address.

Please note that only the first 100 applications will be considered, starting on 08 June.

Your chances of selection increases with an early application!
If you have questions, please send an email to

Fully Funded Scholarships in Turkey for International Students 2015


Türkiye Scholarships is an international scholarship program funded by Government of Turkey that aims to improve mutual understanding with other countries and to contribute to the global knowledge with people oriented approach. Applications for Türkiye Scholarships for undergraduate, master and PhD programmes  are now open.

Türkiye Scholarships include both scholarship and university placement at the same time. Applicants will be placed in a university and programme among their preferences specified in the online application form. Most programmes in Turkish universities are instructed in Turkish. However, some departments and universities offer programmes in English or French. The candidates who want to study in these languages need to have an internationally recognized certificate to prove their language proficiency. Also, most of these foreign language programmes may ask international admission test scores such as GRE, GMAT etc.


To be eligible for Undergraduate programs applicants must:

  • be a citizen of a country other than Turkey (anyone holding or ever held Turkish citizenship before cannot apply),
  • not be a registered student in Turkish universities at the level of study they are applying,
  • be have graduated or are likely to graduate from a secondary education institution,
  • be under the age of 21 (no earlier than 01.01.1994),
  • have at least specified (% 90 for medical sciences, % 70 for other undergraduate programs) cumulative grade point average, diploma grade, national exam or international exam score,
  • be in good health.

To be eligible for Postgraduate programs applicants must:

  • be a citizen of a country other than Turkey (anyone holding or ever held Turkish citizenship before cannot apply)
  • not be a registered student in Turkish universities at the level of study they are applying.
  • be a bachelor’s or master’s degree holder by 30th of July 2015 at the latest
  • be under the age of 30 for master’s programmes (no earlier than 01.01.1985)
  • be under the age of 35 for doctorate programmes (no earlier than 01.01.1980)
  • have at least 75 % cumulative grade point average or diploma grade over their maximum graduation grade or have at least 75 % success in any accepted national or international graduate admissions test.
  • be in good health.


The scholarship covers:

  • Monthly stipend (600 TL for undergraduate, 850 TL for master and 1200 TL for PhD )
  • Full tuition fee;
  • Free 1-year Turkish language course;
  • Free accommodation;
  • Round-trip air ticket;
  • Health insurance.

Deadline for applications is 31 March 2015

Official website.

Summer Schools in Finland 2015

Summer Schools at Finnish higher education institutions

Many Finnish higher education institutions organise summer schools in various disciplines and academic levels. These summer schools may be offered for example as short, intensive academic events concentrating on one particular field of studies/research, or they may consist of a wider selection of individual courses over the summer term (from mid-May until mid-August approximately). At some universities, the themes of the annual summer school may vary from one year to another.

For whom?

Summer schools are usually targeted for students and researchers already enrolled in higher education. This means you usually need to be registered as a university-level student or researcher in your home country to apply.

How and when to apply?

If you are interested in applying ot a summer school, please follow the links below to thesummer schools’ own web pages – you’ll find more information on the contents and application procedures as well as the necessary contact details on each summer school’s own website.

The application period depends on the summer school – usually applications open sometime in February at the earliest, but check the exact application period and deadlines on each summer school’s own website.

Scholarships and grants

Some summer schools may offer a limited number of grants or scholarships for participation purposes. You must contact the summer school organisers directly in order to find out whether such financial support is available, and if yes, what the requirements are, how and when you should apply, etc.

NB: CIMO scholarships are not applicable to summer school participants.

Visa matters

Depending on your nationality, you may need a visa to enter Finland. You can apply for ashort-term visa to Finland via the Finnish embassy in your home country. Please see section ‘Visas‘ for more information.

The list below is not necessarily an exhaustive one, but we will include new ones into the list whenever the higher education institutions inform us about possible additions. You may also contact the higher education institutions directly for information on the summer school options they offer.

Summer schools – by location/institution

EFIST network summer studies (Saimaa UAS & Mikkeli UAS) – the EFIST network organises summer studies from May to August.

Helsinki Summer School, organised by the University of Helsinki, offers intensive and multidisciplinary academic courses every August.

Helsinki Metropolia UAS organizes summer schools in the fields of technology and business for Metropolia’s degree students and students from Metropolia’s partner schools.

JAMK UAS Summer Schools, located in Jyväskylä, arranges a variety of International Summer School courses every year in May-June.

LUT Summer School is an academic event organized yearly at Lappeenranta University of Technology, offering intensive Master’s-level courses in the field of technology and business.

SAMK UAS Summer School offers “3C in Service Design”; inspiring, hands-on cases for students from different study fields all over the world.

TAMK UAS Summer Schools are offered in various fields in Tampere

Turku Game Lab: International Summer School in Game Development provides the participants with a unique opportunity to gain both theoretical and hands-on knowledge in game design, programming, arts, audio and testing. Turku Game Lab is organised jointly by theUniversity of Turku and Turku UAS.

University of Jyväskylä organises a number of different summer (and winter) schools.

University of Tampere Summer School offers university students from all over the world twelve international courses covering various academic fields and up-to-date topics 10th – 21st August, in Tampere.

Universities of Lapland (FIN) and Vermont (USA) – co-organise an International Summer School in Social Work in the Social Sciences with the theme “Social work from a Global Perspective” annually.


SKILLS FOR ALBANIA: Teach and live in Albania, call for applications

Recognizing the needs and the strategic role of vocational training and education against unemployment the Albanian Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth is proud to announce: Skills for Albania. This initiative aims at recruiting senior level administrators and educators with several years of experience in vocational training and/or other educational experiences around the globe.

Who we are

Vocational Schooling in Albania are currently the best option in fighting the plague of youth unemployment. For the first time our Vocational Schools in are applying the dual system which consists in at least 30% of field practice in additional to exceptional theoretical instruction as well as the integration and functioning of administrative school boards. Due to the major revamping as well as the communication campaign undertaken throughout the year, enrollment numbers increased by 40% compared to the graduating class of 2014. Today our schools serve more than 6,000 students offering 44 different vocations. A complete guide to our schools, their locations and profiles as well as additional data is available at

What we look for

Successful candidates should fulfill the following requirements:

  • 10 or more years of experience in vocational education systems or other educational settings as administrators, inspectors or educators.
  • License or documented experience in educational/ training related to one or more of the following areas: auto technology, industrial machinery, mechanics, electronics, information and communication technology, insulation and hydraulics, economics and related fields.
  • To be licensed in accordance with the requirements of the country where their experience is documented.
  • To be willing to live close to the communities where the schools are located and work for at least one academic year starting September 2015.
  • Some knowledge of basic Albanian and/or knowledge of or prior experiences of living or working in Albania is preferred but not required.
  • To be willing to undertake qualification exams in accordance with the framework of the functioning of the Vocational Education in Albania

What we offer

A once in a lifetime experience as well as basic accommodation, round-trip airplane ticket as well as local level compensation.

How to Apply

Interested candidates should complete the application form and where they will be asked to submit an electronic copy of their resume, or email it to no later than 31.03.2015.

The South East Europe Summer Academy: HUMAN RIGHTS IN ACTION 2015

The South East Europe Summer Academy:

Human Rights in Action 2015

Regional training in Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights for school heads, teachers and community actors

Cetinje/ Montenegro

19-27 June 2015

Organized in cooperation between the Council of Europe, the Ministry of Education Montenegro, the Bureau for Educational Services, Montenegro, and the European Wergeland Centre
with support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Norway

Democratic societies and peace can only be built by democratic citizens. Today as never before the sustainability of many democracies in Europe is at stake challenged by ongoing conflicts and violence, racism, discrimination, xenophobia and corruption. It is in this context, that education plays a crucial role in promoting respect for human rights, democracy and the role of law, and to prepare young people for an active life in democratic societies.

Schools have a great potential to provide a place where democracy roots and growth – a place where young people are encouraged to learn and pratice democracy and human rights. But how to develop a democratic school culture which can build the backbone for democratic socities?

The CoE Charter on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education, adopted by Recommendation CM/Rec(2010), underlines EDC/ HRE as a primary way of “equipping learners with knowledge, skills and understanding and developing their attitudes and behaviour” so that they promote and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms. Besides teachers, who obvisouly play a vital role here, the Charter acknowlegdes the role of other stakeholders in education and in the community to join efforts towards creating democratic institutions.

This is why the Regional Summer Academy is based on a whole-school approach. By bringing together school heads, teachers as well as local NGOs, teacher training instiutions and parents to transform classrooms, schools and comunities into inclusive, democratic environments, a wider impact can be reached. The Academy has proven to proven to facilitate dialogue, exchange and collaboration among participants coming from South East Europe. In a regional context with a history of conflict this is quite significant.

Since 2012, the South East Europe Academy Human Rights in Action has been organised as a joint and annual event by the Council of Europe (CoE), the Ministry of Education and Sports Montenegro, the Bureau for Educational Services, Montenegro, and the European Wergeland Centre (EWC).

Aims and objectives:
The Summer Academy is organised with the aim to strengthen a democratic culture in schools in member states through training of educational professionals and community actors, and to develop further their capacity to promote and implement EDC/ HRE in their schools and communities in South East Europe.

• Facilitate sharing of experiences and good pratices in EDC/ HRE
• Support participants in developing and implementing a local EDC/ HRE project
• Support the development of a network of multipliers in EDC/ HRE
• Encourage cooperation and partnership among different actors involved in education and between the participating countries
• Facilitate the implementation of the CoE Charter for EDC/ HRE and of CoE materials at local level

General approach:
Using CoE tools, the Academy model follows a whole-school approach to EDC/ HRE and adresses different spheres of school life, such as teachers’ competences, learning and teaching activities, decmocratic school governance and partnership with the local community. This approach encourages the active participation of all stakeholders of school life in building an environment, where principles of human rights and democracy can be learned and pratices. The SEE Summer Academy is composed of the following 3 phases:

Phase 1: Online preparatory phase – introduction to the training (May to June 2015)
This phase is designed as an introduction to the residential seminar. The main aim is to get to know each other and to get familiar with selected CoE teaching materials, EDC/ HRE concepts, approaches, learning teaching activities.

Phase 2: Residential seminar (19-27 June 2015)
The residential seminar is the core of the Academy. The trainers and participants work face-to-face together, and share their experiences with EDC/ HRE. Participants analyze the current situation in their school and community and reflect on their practice in view of EDC/HRE principles. Based on this analysis, and supported by a trainer, each team develops an action plan with concrete local activites and projects addressing challenges faced in their school and/ or community.

Phase 3: Follow-up (September 2015 – May 2016)
This phase supports participants in implemeting their local EDC/ HRE projects (action plans). The projects are expected to be implemented during the school year 2015/2016. Throughout this phase, trainers provide ongoing support to all teams via EWCs’ online platform Share&Connect. Particular attention is given to ongoing collaboration, discussion and exchanges of experiences, as well as networking.

Alumni Academy Network:
Given the interest of former Academy participants to continue with school-wide EDC/ HRE efforts and their professional development, the EWC set up an online Alumni network. This network connects all alumni participants of any Academy training. It creates exchanges of experience and good pratices between former and new participants, and it supports local and national initiatives and actions based on the principles and values of the Summer Academy programme. You can also find cooperation partners for bilateral or mulilateral projetcs. After completing the Academy you will be invited to join this network.

Target groups and profile of participants:
Participants are invited to join the Academy as a team of three members. Each team consists of two representatives from the same school, including the school head and a teacher, together with one representative of a) an NGO that already cooperates with the school or wishes to do so or b) a parent association.

The Academy is available for teams from the following countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey and Kosovo.1

Working language: The training will be held in English.

CoE tools: CoE Charter on EDC/ HRE (2010), Democratic Governance of Schools (2007), How all teachers can support citizenship and human rights education: a framework for the development of competences (2009), Compass – A Manual on Human Rights Education with Young People (2002)
! New edition 2012, School-Community-University partnerships for a Sustainable Democracy (2010)

Venue, trainers and organizers
Venue: Hotel Grand, Cetinje/ Montenegro
Addresses: Njegoseva 1, Cetinje
Tel: + 382 (0)41 231 651

Trainers/ experts:
The training will be run by an international team of experienced trainers/experts in the field.

Organizing bodies and contact persons:

The Bureau for Educational Services Montenegro:
Contact person: Ms Vidosava Kašćelan, Senior Advisor
Tel: +382 20 408 938
Fax: +382 20 408 927
E-mail: vidosava.kascelan(at)

The European Wergeland Centre:
Contact person: Ms Caroline Gebara, Senior Advisor
Tel: +47 21 08 24 14
E-mail: c.gebara(at)

The Council of Europe:
Contact person: Mr Samir Hećo, Administrative Assistant
Tel: +33 390 21 51 83
Fax: +33 388 41 27 06
E-mail: samir.heco(at)
Travel costs, accommodation, meals and all activities included in the training program are covered or will be reimbursed by the organizers. Please note the following details:

Travel and visa reimbursement
For the selected teams, travel expenses to and from Cetinje/ Montenegro, including travel insurance for the stay, will be reimbursed by the Council of Europe. Further information on travel arrangements will follow at a later stage, and will be send to you by Mr Samir Hećo:

Subsistence expenses:
All meals and activities included in the program are covered by the Montenegrian host for all participants.
Application and selection procedure:
Please go to the online application form 

Applications must be submitted online by March 2, 2015, 10 am.

The organizers will select 13 teams (39 participants) on the basis of their profile. The selection will take into account balance between countries addressed, sexes, EDC/ HRE experiences, motivation and ideas for dissemination. Only candidates who will be selected will be informed about their participation by 16 March.

Certificate of attendance:
Upon completion of the SEE Summer Academy, all participants will receive a certificate of attendance, signed by the organizers.

More information:
You will soon find more information about the SEE Summer Academy “Human Rights in Action” on the EWC web page:

United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) and EF Education First (EF), “Youth for Change” UNAOC-EF Summer School 2015 in NEW YORK

United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) and EF Education First (EF) Announce
Their Third “Youth for Change” UNAOC-EF Summer School in NY

The United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) and EF Education First (EF) are pleased to announce the third edition of their UNAOC-EF Summer School.  This summer, 75 selected youth leaders from around the world will engage in dialogue across borders, form collaborative relationships with people from diverse backgrounds, and build skills for peacebuilding and global citizenship. The UNAOC-EF Summer School 2015 will take place at EF’s New York campus in Tarrytown, NY, USA from 13 to 20 of June 2015.

The UNAOC-EF Summer School’s interactive program of workshops, discussions and site visits provides the participants with hands-on experience on how to address shared social challenges across diverse communities and religions.  Specifically, the Summer School focuses on how to better understand diversity, manage and promote it, and how to leverage differences in identity to shape a world that is healthier, safer, more peaceful and inclusive. Different approaches are applied, including advocacy, narratives, multimedia, negotiation, theater, and social entrepreneurship.

The UN High Representative for the Alliance of Civilizations, Mr. Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser says: “How can we resolve problems that have spanned generations without seeking fresh input, ideas and perspectives in search for solutions? The Summer School was established as a way to give young people the opportunity to learn from each other and trail-blaze new paths to peace and inclusiveness.” He adds: “I wish to emphasize UNAOC’s appreciation for EF Education First’s support, commitment and collaborative spirit in this partnership.”

“The Summer School is a perfect opportunity for cross-cultural dialogue and exchange. As a language education organization, we feel confident in providing a setting for participants of different nationalities and cultures to come together and find a common language and a common understanding,” says Eva Kockum, President, EF Education First. “We are proud to once again join forces with the UNAOC to achieve lasting social progress through dialogue and exchange.

Registration ( is open to youth aged 18 to 35 from now until 9 March 2015. The application process includes the submission of a resume as well as essay questions on past achievements and future impact potential. The selected participants will be notified in April 2015. Last year, more than 100,000 youth expressed their interest to take part in the weeklong discussions and dialogues at the Summer School.

About the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations
Established in 2005 by former United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan, the UNAOC’s mission is to improve cross-cultural understanding and cooperation among countries, peoples and communities. We live together in an interconnected world, in which globalization goes side by side with a search for often narrow-based identities. How can extremism, polarization and divisions be best resisted? This is part of the global conversation to which the UNAOC contributes. Learn more about the UNAOC

About EF Education First
Established in 1965 with the mission to open the world through education, EF Education First (EF) is the world’s leading international education company. EF ( has helped millions of students learn a new language and travel abroad. With a network of 500 schools and offices worldwide, EF specializes in language training, educational travel, academic degrees, and cultural exchange programs. EF has published the English Proficiency Index ( measuring the English ability of adults in countries across the world.

Application now open (
to youth aged 18 to 35 from now until 9 March 2015.

TRAIN Programme 2015: Call for Applications Fostering policy dialogue in the Western Balkans

The German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) is launching its call for applications for the 2015 edition of the TRAIN programme (Think Tanks Providing Research and Advice through Interaction and Networking).

Providing think tanks from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia with training and networking opportunities, the TRAIN programme seeks to foster a fruitful policy dialogue between think tanks and political actors in the Western Balkans. During a series of seminars, participants will receive training on the conduct and efficient communication of policy research and will have the opportunity to exchange their research findings with decision makers in Brussels as well as at the national level.

Each participating researcher is expected to draft a policy paper relevant to the EU integration process of his/her respective country or the region as a whole. The general theme of the TRAIN programme 2015 is the strengthening of democratic institutions in the candidate countries and potential candidate countries of South Eastern Europe.

The TRAIN programme is funded by the Federal Foreign Office (Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe) and run by the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP).

The deadline for all applications is February 15, 2015.

For further information, please refer to the “Call for Applications” and the application form posted below.